Asaan Karobar Finance Scheme 2025
So the Punjab government has proposed a plan to strengthen the economy and encourage business in response to Pakistan’s faltering economy. With interest-free loans up to Rs. 30 million. The goal is to give entrepreneurs commercial chances and establish new start-ups. The Punjabi government just approved the initiative, which goes by the name “Asaan Karobar Finance Scheme.”
What is the Finance Scheme of Asaan Karobar?
The Punjabi government of Pakistan introduced the first-ever multi-million rupee Asaan Karobar Finance Scheme. Interest-free loans up to Rs. 30 million (Rs. 3 crore) are the goal. This funding will be given to business owners in a number of industries, including agriculture. The primary goals are to promote economic growth, increase exports, and provide employment.
Chief minister of Punjab, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, Declared
On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, the 22nd Provincial Cabinet Meeting authorized the Punjab Karobar Finance Scheme. Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the chief minister of Punjab, also declared that free land would be made available for the Asaan Karobar Scheme. Additionally, a goal of establishing 100,000 new businesses in Punjab was established. Additionally, she instructed that business plans be made available to start-ups throughout the state.
The Aim of the Asaan Karobar Finance Program
- Promoting development and economic progress.
- Increasing employment and exports.
- Assisting small and medium-sized business owners.
- Commercial logistics leasing.
- Startup finance is used to help new business owners launch their enterprises.
- Enhancing and updating current processes and configurations.
- Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) technologies are used by climate-friendly businesses.
- Note: All industries, including small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and agriculture, are eligible for this program or project.
Asaan Karobar Finance Scheme Benefits
More Incentives
- Capital subsidy of Rs. 5 million for solar production technologies and equipment.
- Advising services that are not financial in nature for the growth of new small industrial states.
- Leases for terms of up to 30 years in order to save money on the high price of purchasing land.
Criteria for Asaan Karobar Finance Scheme Eligibility
The program is organized into two levels according to the loan amount. An unsecured loan of up to $5 million is available to applicants in Tier-1, but personal guarantees are required. Applicants can obtain a safe loan in Tier-2 that ranges from Rs. 5 million to Rs. 30 million. However, in order to apply, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:
Valid NTN and CNIC
- You have to be in the 25–55 age range.
- Small businesses that make up to PKR 150 million a year.
- Medium-sized businesses having yearly sales between PKR 150 million and PKR 800 million
- A clean credit history is required.
- A current FBR tax filer is required.
- Businesses and residents must be located in Punjab.
- He needs to own his own firm or rent the space where it already operates.
Loan Specifics
Details about the two Tiers are provided below:
Tier 1 (T1):
- Amount (PKR): 1–5 Million
- Security: Individual Warranty
- Duration: Up to Five Years
- Rate of end users: 0%
- Processing Charge: PKR 5000
Tier 2 (T2):
- Amount: 6–30 million rupees
- Security: Safe
- Duration: Up to Five Years
- Rate of end users: 0%
- Fee for processing: 10,000 PKR
Note: For start-ups or new firms, the grace period is up to six months; for established businesses, it is up to three months.
The Contribution of Equity
- Except for leased business cars, T1 is 0%.
- Vehicles leased: 25%
- Other Loans: 20% under T2 in all other circumstances
- 10% for transgender, female, and disabled individuals
Other Expenses
- Fee for handling
- NIL for starting a new company
- 3% annually for already-existing companies
- For climate-friendly companies in (T2 exclusively), NIL p.a.
- Registration, legal, and insurance fees are assessed based on real expenses.
Terms of Repayment
- In accordance with the approval’s requirements, equal monthly payments
- Late Fees: PKR 1 for every 1000 past-due sums each day
Apply Online for the Asaan Karobar Finance Scheme
Press the “Apply” button
- To apply for Assan Karobar Finance, please click the “Apply” button.
- Carefully read the instructions before beginning the application process.
- Finally, click the “Acknowledge & Proceed” button to launch the application and fill in the following information.
Details of the Profile
- Kindly include the user’s information, including the applicant’s name, father or husband’s name, CNIC number, email address, date of birth, age, and gender. Additionally, if you have a disability, state it (as confirmed by CNIC).
- Next, input your residence address information and your cellphone number (registered under your own name).
- Finally, input your password, political affiliation, and NTN number Then, to finish the application, click the “Register” button at the end and log in.
Loan Information
- You must enter your loan details after logging in.
- Here, you must choose the loan’s Tier (Tier-1 or Tier-2) and “Date of Establishment of Business.”
- Next, input any information that is needed, such as the loan’s tenure and required amount.
- Finally, click the “Save” and “Next” buttons after entering your “Credit History.”
Details of the Business
- Must enter the name of your company, contacts, email address, number of employees, and other pertinent details in this part.
- To move on to the next step, click “Save” and then “Next.”
 Information about Finances
- You must include details about your company’s nature, status, and goal in this part, along with other pertinent information.
- After selecting “Save,” click “Next” to move on to the following stage.
- You must include information on references other than blood relatives or next of kin in this section.
- To get to the next stage, click “Save” and then “Next.”
Documents Details
- You are required to upload the necessary documents in this part.
- Finally, to properly finish and submit the application, click the “Submit” button.
Learn More About the Asaan Karobar Finance Program
In fiscal year 2025-2026, the Punjabi government also intends to introduce Phase II of the Asaan Karobar Finance Scheme, which will have an expanded scope of Rs100 billion. 24,000 small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are expected to be accommodated during this phase. A total of Rs. 379 billion would be disbursed in loan payments.
Visit the following website for the most recent information and facts about the program:
Asaan Business Card, also known as Asaan Karobar Card
Furthermore, the introduction of the Asaan Business Card or Asaan Karobar Card was authorized by the Punjabi government. By offering interest-free loans of up to Rs. 1 million for three years, the goal is to support small business owners throughout the state. Additionally, the monies will be used for business-related activities via digital platforms to guarantee efficient usage. The goal is intended to help more than 100,000 small companies in the province.
Final Remarks
The Punjabi government of Pakistan announced the interest-free Asaan Karobar Finance Scheme. Its goal is to give company owners in the province the chance to launch and grow their enterprises. Furthermore, the preferences also include upgrading and empowering the current business.
Up to 30 million Pakistani rupees would be given by the government to support business establishment and economic growth throughout the state. Additionally, the qualifications are easy to meet, and the eligibility conditions are straightforward. Nonetheless, the application’s formal announcement will be made shortly. To benefit from the program, please keep informed and get in touch with us if you have any questions.